Don’t you dare dorm!
Categories: Campus life
Things, people, and places change over time. It’s inevitable. As a campus, we have, and continue to change dramatically over time. But, it’s hard to see or understand those changes without taking the time to look back at the way things were. That’s why I want to share this Golden Gate Xpress article from 50 years ago today with you.

“Co-ed okay for Dorm Open House” in March 8, 1963 issue of our publication, then called the “Golden Gator.”
The article starts out by (attempting) to set the scene with this rather horrible lede:
“Mothers stared in disbelief, fathers shrugged casually and children fiddled with the vending machines, but the residence halls’ Open House and Art Show Sunday was successful by any means”
Then there is some meaningless rambling before it adds:
“On this day, male residents could visit the girls’ rooms and vice cersa, a practice heretofore forbidden under threat of expulsion.”
That’s right, 50 years ago today SFSU males could visit female dorm rooms without the fear of expulsion. Oh boy! How risque! Was this a Christian boarding school or something? Anways, the nameless reporter ends the article in a rather classy fashion, noting that the experience reminded him of the time his sixth grade class got to tour the “girl’s john.” AKA, he’s the type of guy you wouldn’t want to be sharing a co-ed dorm with.
Fast forward 50 years and we now have co-ed dorms and special apartments for married student couples.
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